Saturday, 14 January 2012

Middle East Will End Its Self by Its Self

Is this the end off the Middle Eastern countries or is this situation a temporary crisis that will end in someway? This question has been in my head for almost a year when the crisis started on December 18, 2010 in Tunisia and moved to almost 5 other countries. What has been going on is a result of a dictatorial ruling that went on for more than 40 years. Being form Saudi Arabia; I do not fear of losing the country or of any demonstrations because Saudi Arabia has been a kingdom form 50 years and most people are relaxed with this kind of ruling, but what I fear is the country being affected from what happens in boarder countries like Bahrain and Egypt. I will be arguing about the vents that took place in the Middle Eastern. I summarize it in three points. Why they decide to demonstration in this period? Their border countries mainly affect some countries. There is some countries need this political change.

What makes me think is, why did all these citizens of those countries started these demonstrations and are now asking for democracy. Why didn’t they start all this mess twenty or thirty years ago why now? Are they tired of the way they live or were they scared from their presidents, but finally decided to speak up and defend their country and ask for their rights? For example, Bahrain is a Sunni Muslim kingdom and it has been for a long time, but nearly three quarters of the citizens are Shiite Muslims. Shiites in Bahrain have all their rights and participate in all their religious believes, so what makes a different if the country was ruled by a Sunni Muslim? Are they really asking for something important, is a Shiite ruling going to change anything or give benefits to the country or citizens. Some times I feel that people do not think before they act! Bahrain now has no security and no one is safe there hundreds of peoples were killed and thousands were injured. King Hamad commissioned the Bahrain commission of inquiry to file a report to investigate the incidents that Bahrain went through in February and March. “We will introduce and implement reforms that would please all segments of our society “, he said in his speech Wednesday November 23, 2011. The king also expressed “dismay” at the mistreatment of detainees, “We do not tolerate the mistreatments of detainees and prisoners. We are dismayed to find that it has occurred, as your report has found, “ he said.

The second thing is some countries are mainly affected by their border countries or in my words maybe jealous. As we know “ One Rotten Apple Spoils the Barrel “. For this situation I have Syria. Syria was always fine and nothing was wrong with them in fact they were never affected by there neighbor Lebanon and as we all know Lebanon has been in war for the last 40 years. The Syrians never asked for any change and never had any demands, so why are they getting is this political mess now. Yes they have been ruled by the same president for almost 12 years but they reelected him, so I can not understand their point of having an unsecure country and going throw poorism, difficulties, and having numbers of dead people. Do they really need the change or do they just want to change because most of the Middle East is changing?

Some countries need this political change like Libya. Gaddafi has ruled Libya for forty years and the country and citizens were living in poor conditions. The president took over all the oil that the country has and no industry was developed or any investment. Now Libya needs this kind of change although thousands were dead and millions were injured it is still worth for them to fight and ask for their rights and freedom. Maybe this is their time to get modernized. Another example is Egypt. President Hosny Mubarak ruled Egypt for almost thirty years. Egypt is considered to be one of the poor countries and most of their income came from tourism, but they were doing fine and they did not complain about presidential way of ruling, so why are they now wanting the change, and why is the president on trail while he is about to die.

Finally, some are blaming other countries for this entire crisis. For example Bahrain and Syria are blaming Iran and they are in someway certain that Iran has to do with this entire crisis in their countries. Why are they blaming it on others, why don’t they try to figure out what is wrong and fix the political ruling in their countries? To sum up, the Middle East has been in crisis for so long and I think whether they change their presidents or not they will always have this crisis in their countries unless the citizens themselves are willing to change.

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